Baptist Brought Donation to a Syrian Refugee Camp

On November 15 the HBAid’s workers, in cooperation with its Bulgarian Baptist partners, gave a 2 million forint donation to more than 400 syrian refugees living in a camp in Vrazhdebna.

Baptists for the freedom of 27 million modern-day slaves

On the morning of October 9, 2013, Hungarian Baptist Aid launched the „Freedom Challenge” riders on its peaceful bike demonstration against human trafficking. The ten members of A21 international organization are cycling through Eastern Europe from Sofia to London on the main roads of human trafficking.

Museums for MDGs

Several delegates of European museums, non-profit organizations and an academic institution gathered at the second Museo Mundial thematic workshop, which wasorganized by Finep and Hungarian Baptist Aid. This gathering was to facilitate MDGs.

International RESCUE Training in Hungary

Hungarian Baptist Aid organized an international training for the RESCUE 24 special rescue team near Ászár in the Hungarian county of Komárom-Esztergom from September 2 to 6, 2013. This team, which has proved itself at national and also foreign catastrophes before, organizes joint trainings every year, which was set up in Hungary this year.

VBS in Romania

Hungarian Baptist Aid organized a Vacation Bible School for Hungarian Romany children in cooperation with the American Baptists on Mission and the local Baptist Church in Săcueni (Székelyhíd), Romania.

Help from Holland

A Dutch volunteer group handed out clothes and non-perishable food in collaboration with Hungarian Baptist Aid, hungarian baptist aid, baptista szeretetszolgálat, ngo, non governmental organization, aid organization, help, segítségnyújtás, segítség, hivatalos oldal, official website, hír, hírek, news, baptist, baptista

Hungarian Baptists Didn’t Detect Tension in North Korea

A Hungarian Baptist pastor and his five companions visited North Korea to initiate a rehabilitation program for disabled people. From the south side they didn’t see any activity, and there were no soldiers guarding the border as has been usual. Even the industrial zone of Kaesong was silent. They could move freely in the capital city, where they saw new buildings, business centers, peaceful pedestrians, and roller skating children.

Rescue24 is in Action in Western Hungary

In cooperation with National Disaster Management, Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) has put their special rescue team Rescue24 on alert due to the critical weather and road conditions that occurred and are expected to deteriorate in Western Hungary.

Orphans of the Tsunami have Grown Up

It’s been nine years since the tsunami devastated South-Eastern-Asia, bringing pain and hopelessness to the disaster stricken area for a long time. But the world wanted to help.

Schoolbags for the Orphans of Tsunami

László Kövér, Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, brought gifts to children in South Asia who became orphans after the 2004 tsunami, and now live in a children’s home supported by Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid).

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