West-Ukraine: Hbaid’s Experience Made Public To Help Young People Get On The Right Track
Velyka Dobron (‘Nagydobrony’) – Hungarian Baptist Aid launched a new program entitled “For increasing the working potential of West Ukrainian civil society organizations among young people”, which involves visits organized at schools and training programs implemented in the Subcarpathian (Transcarpathian) region of the Ukraine. As a participant in a grant program funded by the International Visegrad Fund, Baptist Aid is partnering with charity organization LifeAid and with Slovak, Polish and Ukrainian civil society organizations.

Helping in Texas
The colleagues of Hungarian Baptist Aid have begun their work in the hurricane stricken areas of Texas on Saturday.

Our workers are in Nicaragua
Our workers and volunteers visited local organisations in Somotillo and El Viejo, where the volunteers of EU Aid Volunteer program are helping in various, absolute rural and remote areas. In these places, the local communities do not have any access to clean drinking water.

International Exchange of Experience about the Challenges of Social Work
Bratislava – Slovakian, Polish, Czech and Hungarian experts, who work with refugees and other vulnerable people needing support and psychosocial assistance, consulted with each other in the capital city of Slovakia during a two-day-long conference.

Organizations may Apply for the EU Aid Volunteers project!
Hungarian Baptist Aid, as a member of consortium, has been part of the European Union’s new program called ’EU Aid Volunteers initiative’ since 2015. Is your organization would like to get more information about the unique opportunity? HBAid will meet you in person!

A Cooperation to Support Ukrainian NGOs
The main task of the project is to build the capacities of Ukrainian local NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and to help developing their processes. During the realization, the experiences of V4 (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic) are applied and the cooperation is strengthened between the NGOs of V4 and the Ukrainian NGOs.

Roma Mission Program with American Doctors
In Ukraine and Romania – Hungarian Baptist Aid’s team visited Roma communities living outside the Hungarian border with medical experts from the USA. The common program was started several years ago to help the poorest.

European Volunteers in the Third World: Getting Involved Conference
On June 7th, Hungarian Baptist Aid organized az international conference to exchange views about the good practices of volunteer management. The programs are realized by HBAid as a consortium partner within the framework of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative. This will give opportunities to European citizens and organizations to cooperate with communities suffering from humanitarian crisis.

Focal point event in Galyatető
It was the 4th time that the leaders of Baptist Institutions got together in the end of May to share news of achievements. During this conference, HBAid's Project Coordinator Zsuzsanna BACZKÓ, as the project's focal point in Hungary, shared the objectives of EU AID Volunteer Initiative, and the main achievements and activities of current projects.

Invitation to our Conference in Budapest!
Within the framework of ’Getting Involved’ program, we are organizing a conference in Budapest to introduce best practices of voluntary work performed in humanitarian and international field.