Museums for MDGs
Author: Főadmin Date: 2013. október 07., hétfő 09:09
At the beginning of last week in Budapest, the delegates of several Hungarian, German, Czech and Portugese museums, non-profit organizations, and an academic institution met at the two-day-long Museo Mundial thematic workshop whichwas financed by the Europen Union. During the workshop, it was said several times that the purpose of museums is not just providing information but shaping the awareness of today’s society. The museum is not a cemetery of dead stories, but a tool to shape the thoughts and knowledge of contemporary people.
With this three-year-project, the European Union would like to facilitate its Millennium Development Goals. This program is a unique endeavor as it is implemented by the co-operation of museums and non-governmental organizations.Its aim is to engage the wide social audience, who attends museums, inthe European goals.
© European Union, 2013
Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the authors.
Love without borders
Workers of HBAid in Tacloban again
Five months after the typhoon in Tacloban (Philippines) and its surrounding areas, Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) is rebuilding a school and a kindergarten that were damaged, distributing water purification systems for families, and helping injured children.