Author: Főadmin Date: 2019. május 06., hétfő 09:44
The main objective of the International Visegrad Fund-sponsored project is to strengthen local communities in Ukraine, to transfer Visegrad Group countries’ experiences, as well as to strengthen the cooperation among nonprofits from all V4 countries (Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland) and Ukraine.
It will be done by improving the capacities of Ukrainian nonprofits in the sector of management, fundraising and marketing in order to make the local non-governmental organizations and Civil Society organizations. If we make their work effective, their services to the community will be improved. The chosen regions are Dnipro and Zaporizhzhya – some of the most affected regions by ongoing conflict in the area of East Ukraine. Therefore, there is a consistent and enormous need for the humanitarian programs carried out by localNGOs and CSOs.
The Capacity Building Project offered by the Visegrad Four countries will consist of three main components: training, study visits and a consultancy mentorship program.
The experts of Hungarian Baptist Aid, executive director Dávid Gál and marketing/PR professional Márk Szabó are travelling to the city of Dnypro in May 2019 to carry out a 3-day training on the practice of non-profit PR and communications.
The project is realized by ADRA Slovakia, ADRA Czech Republic, Hungarian Baptist Aid, Polish Medical Mission and Institute Republica Ukraine, funded by Visegrad Fund in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.

Rural Voices 2030
Speak up for a better future! Project duration: 1.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

The Hungarian President and the Ambassador of Turkey thanked the rescuers who returned home
On the afternoon of February 14, the President of Hungary, Katalin Novák greeted the Hungarian rescuers who helped Turkey, including members of Hungarian Baptist Aid’s HUBA Rescue24 team, in ’Sándor Palota’ (Sándor Palace).

The rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has returned home from Turkey
The HUBA Rescue24 rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has completed its mission in Antakya, Turkey. The team arrived at Liszt Ferenc Airport on Sunday morning, where they were greeted with flowers and applause by the representatives of the Turkish Embassy, along with family members, colleagues and workers of the press.