Andrea’s Testimony
Author: Főadmin Date: 2022. április 01., péntek 19:52
Hungarian Baptist Aid is at the forefront of helping Ukrainian IDP’s in Ukraine, refugees at the Border and in several locations accross the country. Here we share a story from one of our volunteers about her meeting orphans displaced by the conflict!
The Almighty knows, He sees, He hears, and His timing is perfect! A couple of days ago, we left with Hungarian Baptist Aid’s Rescue 24 team carrying few tons of cargo and monetary aid to the Ukraine to meet pastors of four regions in Western Ukraine. They are under immense pressure since their towns are seeing a population growth of ten times and counting due to the migration within the country. These people are seeking refuge in the western area of the country not having the means and connections to travel onward. Along with Baptist Aid’s food and monetary donations, I took small gift for children: gingerbread tale protagonists and colorful candy packages with prayer cards children in Hungary recently prepared for Ukrainian refugee kids. I really was not sure if we would get to meet any young ones, since the goal of the trip was to meet pastors, but God orchestrated something very special. On our arrival, one of the pastors told us that an entire church-run orphanage arrived in their region just recently and they were staying at a camp facility. Over thirty children, from three to eighteen, with their director and a few care personnel from Rivne. Since the orphanage was near the International Airport, targets were marked with red paint and two missiles were fired, they moved underground for six days and when there was a safe time-window they decided to leave. After several days of exhausting travel, they finally found this temporal safe home — just in time to receive the encouraging notes and Bible verses from the students in Hungary reminding them of God’s love and care! I asked the director Natasha what they needed, but she did not start listing items they obviously lacked. Instead, with gratitude in her eyes said how thankful she was for having a safe place to sleep and asked us to pray that the war is over soon. They would have been very happy with just the milk, meat and rice we took to their kitchen, but the Almighty wanted to also send the encouraging message that He knows, He sees, He hears…. and for these children, His timing was perfect bringing what they needed the most on that day. However hectic our word might seem right now; God is in total control. As we reminded the orphans, “nothing can separate us from God’s love”.

Rural Voices 2030
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The Hungarian President and the Ambassador of Turkey thanked the rescuers who returned home
On the afternoon of February 14, the President of Hungary, Katalin Novák greeted the Hungarian rescuers who helped Turkey, including members of Hungarian Baptist Aid’s HUBA Rescue24 team, in ’Sándor Palota’ (Sándor Palace).

The rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has returned home from Turkey
The HUBA Rescue24 rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has completed its mission in Antakya, Turkey. The team arrived at Liszt Ferenc Airport on Sunday morning, where they were greeted with flowers and applause by the representatives of the Turkish Embassy, along with family members, colleagues and workers of the press.