The Visit of Baptist Leaders from Sierra Leone

Budapest – In the beginning of May, Baptist Church leaders visited Hungarian Baptist Church and Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) to deliver their gratitude.

Volonteurope members embark on humanitarian volunteering course

by volunteurope (May 3, 2016)

Our workers have started their work in Ecuador

The professionel team that includes a doctor, two nurses and a logistics specialist, started its work in Ecuador on Wednesday. The workers of Rescue 24 met with Abg Julio Cesar Quinonez, Governor of Guayas, who informed the team about the current needs.

Dutch and Hungarian Donations Arrived to Transcarpathia

Kisdobrony (Mala Dobron') – On April 19th, a Hungarian and Dutch Donation was brought to Transcarpathian families living in extreme poverty.

Aid is on its Way to Ecuador hit by an Earthquake

Budapest – Hungarian Baptist Aid is bringing its help to the Northern land of Ecuador hit by a 7.8 earthquake. On Saturday, at least of 272 people died and more than two thousand people were injured.

The Croatian Red Cross sent its Recognition and Thanks to HBAid

Slavonski Brod – Since the migration crisis began in Europe, the workers and volunteers of Hungarian Baptist Aid continuously worked at several places of the "front line", not only in Hungary, but in Serbia and Croatia. The Croatian Red Cross sent its recognition and thanks.

Migration Crisis and Communication, Training in Slovenia

Ljubljana - the delegate of Hungarian Baptist Aid's Department of Communication, participated a three-day-long intensive training in the capital of Slovenia between March 21st and 23rd.

Roma Mission in Transylvania (RO)

Sacueni – The last couple of days, workers of Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid), together with its American partners, Baptist Men and Women on Mission, continued its programs helping the Hungarian speaking Roma people living in Romania, near the Hungarian-Romanian border.

Training for the Ushers of Museums

Budapest – The workers of Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) and the representatives of its partner organizations performed their presentations about the MDGs to the ushers of museums within the framework of the Museo Mundial program.

HBAid’s leaders visited the Croatian-Bosnian border

Slavonski Brod – As the migration situation changes almost every hour, two leaders of Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) visited the Hungarian group that works at the Croatian-Bosnian border with the Croatian partners to evaluate the possibilities of further assistance.

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